Google Bard AI Change 3 Settings and Try 3 Prompts

Google Bard AI: Change 3 Settings and Try 3 Prompts

Google Bard AI is a new AI chatbot that can help you with a variety of tasks, from writing to research to creative brainstorming. But before you start using Bard, there are a few settings you should change to protect your data and privacy. Here are three settings to change and three prompts to try:

1. Change the theme to dark.:The default theme for Bard is light, but you can change it to dark by clicking on the “Theme” button in the top right corner of the window. This will make it easier on your eyes and help you focus on your work.

2. Disable Bard activity.:By default, Bard saves every prompt that you enter. If you don’t want Google to track your activity, you can disable this feature by going to “Settings” and unchecking the box next to “Save Bard activity.”

3. Set an auto-delete timer:If you want Bard to automatically delete your prompts after a certain amount of time, you can set an auto-delete timer by going to “Settings” and clicking on the “Auto-delete” tab. You can choose to delete your prompts after three months, 18 months, or 36 months.

Now that you’ve changed the settings, let’s try a few prompts.

Here are three prompts to try:

Publish a blog entry on the subject of your choice.

Research the history of the Roman Empire.
Brainstorm ideas for a new business venture.
Bard can be a powerful tool for productivity and creativity. By changing a few settings and trying a few prompts, you can get the most out of this new AI chatbot.

Additional Tips
If you have any feedback for Bard, you can share it by going to “Settings” and clicking on the “Feedback” tab.

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